
Welcome to Nick Torry’s Mind Massage

A place to work out the knots in what we know and what we don’t know about massage therapy, from the perspective of a professional massage therapist from London, UK.

Latest from the Blog

My Sciatica Story – A cautionary tale from an active 30 something male

So it seems I’ve gone for over a year without writing anything here. As the world of face to face massage appointments opened up again in fits and starts and then a steady stream, the draw of writing about massage became weaker against the reality of actually being able to give people massages, as well…

What Happens When We Get Massaged? – pt.1 Muscles

Where better to start a blog about massage than what happens when we get massaged? This is the thing I wish to sort out in my own mind. All the better to talk to my clients about what’s going on and all the better to plan effective treatment from both a physical and mental perspective.…

First Touch

Hello! And welcome to my blog. My name is Nick Torry and I’m a massage therapist, born, bred and working in South East London. I’ve been practising professionally for just over a year now and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself too. However, the more I practise, the more questions I seem to have and the more…

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